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Plan A - Draft Land Use and Neighborhood Planning Chapters (Supplemental Information)

Review and comment on the supplemental Information for the draft chapters

The community engagmeent plan and input received through the Plan A process is included.  

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What are the conditions? Please do not forget the HUGE uproar when MRMU was proposed in R districts within TOD areas....
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What conditions would allow this type of development? It does not seam compatible in a single family zoning.
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What conditions would allow this type of development? It does not seam compatible in a single family zoning.
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What conditions would allow this type of development? It does not seam compatible in a single family zoning.
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The residents of he South Atlanta Neighborhood east of Lakewood Ave that live on lots zoned R4A and R5-C have submitted this petition state that the current land use remain SFR(Single Family Residential) under the current 2021 CDP and Medium Lot Single Family Residential. in the 2021 CDP Update. A similar petition was made to drop Plan D from Z-19-07 in 2019. Here is the petition: link
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How do I get access to the data on responder information and comments? In this case, where can i find the documentation on reposes related to ADUs?
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traffic management should include rotaries where applicable (5 way intersections of smaller streets) providing for traffic flow instead of traffic lights which stop traffic, causing idling vehicles to pollute the air more
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Why are these areas white? They are part of the incorporated city and not ROW, correct?
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Why are the R4A and R5C properties East of Lakewood Avenue being designated as a 'Discussion Area' in the current 2021 CDP Update for possible higher density Land Use and Zoning? There should be no reason to discuss any other type of Land Use or zoning for this area. In 2019, the residents of this area successfully petitioned their City Councilperson Carla Smith to remove any changes in Land Use and zoning suggested in Part D of the South Atlanta Redevelopment Plan for this area. For those residents, there is nothing more that should be discussed, and no discussion of denser Land Use or zoning should be discussed for this area. Here is the Z-19-07 zoning legislation for the South Atlanta Redevelopment Plan link
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Clearly these demographics show these surveys are not reaching a representative sample of Atlanta residents.
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The map really needs to be updated in this area with Beltline investments and a possible MARTA infill station, Industrial and Single Family uses are not appropriate for this area. Better to get ahead of inevitable development with an area-specific mixed use plan
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Strongly recommend identifying a mixed use development pattern for the Prologis/Nabisco site. If the Prologis development does not happen and the property is sold, let's make sure we have a development pattern and zoning in place that is appropriate for TOD.
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single-family residential is not appropriate for corridors where the City and MARTA are making hundreds of millions of dollars of transit investment.
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single-family residential is not appropriate for corridors where the City and MARTA are making hundreds of millions of dollars of transit investment.
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single-family residential is not appropriate for corridors where the City and MARTA are making hundreds of millions of dollars of transit investment.
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This is staggering.
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It would be great if Chosewood Park was mapped correctly. The green-space is much larger. We have updated surveys for the park which the community paid for. Happy to share with the city to get the proposed development patterns corrected.
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We have our first workshop here.
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Would like to see the city of Atlanta create a new definition of affordable housing and actually raise the qualified area median income to 170% AMI. More help is needed to keep families inside the city limits and to be able to move back into communities. Working families are being priced out. These families are essential to stabilizing communities.
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